This morning I woke up and found that my site was gone. I'm not just talking about the server being down here - no, the site (or better, my blog's contents) was gone. I was getting database errors left and right (perhaps that means I need to do some better error catching in xBlog, eh?), so I logged into phpMyAdmin. Or I tried anyway. I wasn't able to log in, so I logged into cPanel for this domain. I went to the MySQL database section, and much to my dismay, none of my databases showed up. At this point, I officially freaked out. I immediately went to the support center for my hosting, and saw that someone else was having the same problems. There was hope, at least it wasn't just my databases. One of the server administrators came on, and was simply able to restart the SQL server to fix the problem. Thankfully, all my data was still intact.
I did, however, learn a most important lesson (one that I should have already known). Backup you data. Since I didn't want to have to manually go into phpMyAdmin and backup the database for xBlog each day, I started looking at what I'd have to do to write a PHP script to do this. A bit of research showed me that the easiest way would be to use mysqldump, with a shell command.
So, I rolled up my sleeves and wrote the following PHP function to make automatically backing up MySQL databases an easy thing.
/* Function to backup a mysql database table
* @param host
* The database host name (server)
* @param user
* Database user
* @param password
* Database password
* @param table
* Database table name
* @param backup_path
* The path to backup directory
* @param backup_name
* The name of the backup file - no extension
function mysql_backup($host, $user, $password, $table, $backup_path, $backup_name) {
$day = date('w');
# gzip (.gz)
$backup = $backup_path.$backup_name.'_'.$day.'.gz';
exec(sprintf('mysqldump --host=%s --user=%s --password=%s %s --quick --lock-tables --add-drop-table gzip > %s', $host, $user, $password, $table, $backup));
# sql (.sql)
//$backup = $backup_path.$backup_name.'_'.$day.'.sql';
//exec(sprintf('mysqldump --host=%s --user=%s --password=%s %s --quick --lock-tables --add-drop-table > %s', $host, $user, $password, $table, $backup));
mysql_backup('localhost', 'user', 'password', 'xblogpro', '/root/path/to/backups/', 'backup');
The parameters that are passed are explained in the script, so I won't go into detail on what those are again. For more information on the various options I passed to the mysqldump command, take a look at the
documentation. The exec function runs a system command that will tell the Lynx browser to run the PHP script that is on my local server, which is where I wanted to back the files up to. I chose to use this, as I really wouldn't have felt all that safe with my backups sitting on the same server as the MySQL server. If you aren't in need of such things, simply remove the exec function to only backup the data to the regular server.
You'll see that I have two different exec commands. The one that is uncommented is the one that I'm using. It will gzip the files right away. If you'd rather just export a .sql file, simply comment out the gzip lines, and uncomment the sql lines.
I chose to append the day of the week to each backup, so at any given point, I'll have the last 7 days backed up. I know the chances of something happening while the script is in the process of backing up the data is rather slim, but I'd rather not risk it.
The contents of mysql_content_grabber.php is very straight forward. I simply copy the file from the remote sever to my local server. Here it is (it must run on the local server, obviously):
Since I am located in CST, and the server is in EST, I added a little over an hour to the time on this script. You may need to adjust for the timezone difference between servers. Why a little over an hour? 'cause my local computer's clock and the remote server's clocks are probably not exactly synchronized. ;)
Finally, I set up a cron job to run the script every night at midnight. The cron looks something like this:0 0 * * * php /root/path/to/backups/mysql_backup.php
There you have it. A quick and dirty way to automatically backup your MySQL databases with PHP. Hope it'll save a headache or two.
Edit: A small update was made to the script. The original used a header redirect to call the script that is running on my local host, however, that was not working with the cron job. I now use a system command to call the Lynx browser, which works much better.