Remote to Remote file transfer

Remote to Remote File Transfer Using Putty

I was looking for a Remote to remote file transfer for a long time as the time taken to download the whole thing using FTP and then upload the same to the server using our slow Broadbrand was taking lot a lot of time!

I found a Way!
the Steps are as follows!
  1. Login to putty of your Server (Remote2)
  2. Go to the path where you want the files to be uploaded!
  3. now write ftp ftp
  4. use anonymous for id
    use your email address for password or whatever is the requirement for the Remote Site(Remote1)
  5. Now at the FTP prompt cd to the folder where the files are !
  6. Change settings by typing "prompt" and "ascii"
  7. Then simple command mget *.*
  8. And you are done
This Process is much faster and smoother !