Configure PHP5 and MySQL(Local System)

The following is the way to configure PHP5 and MySQL

a) Enable php_mysql.dll in php.ini and make extension_dir = C:\PHP\ext (This is the path where php_mysql is found)

Be 100% certain you are editing the proper php.ini*

b) Copy the libmySQL.dll from the PHP folder to the Php/ext folder and also to System32 folder.(This is the step most miss) Essentially it needs to be available to your systems PATH.

c) Ideally we'll edit the Windows system PATH environment variable to include the PHP dir.Doing so would however require a reboot of Windows but in the end is worth it as it means all PHP files are in ONE directory so upgrades are easy.

d) Also required is to add PHPRC and new field in the Windows System ,Envirnioment Variable.and give the "value" as the path of your php.ini file
To do the step c and d Right Click on MyComputer -->properties --> Advanced Tab -->Down we have Environment Variable and under System Variable heading we have a line PATH that's where we have to add the path for PHP i.e. where the PHP is loaded.

For any other issues or clarification please write back to me or I have the link below